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(Program offered in Providence)

Are you ready to advance into a leadership position in your field and shape future generations as an educational leader? The Educational Leadership doctorate degree with an Elementary/Secondary Education concentration from Johnson & Wales University can help.

Focused on the creation and use of knowledge to impact education practice, our Educational Leadership doctorate program serves as a prominent preparation program for educational leaders. Our program cohort structure provides students with a supportive peer network to discuss, analyze, and solve educational challenges collectively. After two years of coursework, students will identify an educational challenge and complete a dissertation supported by third-year seminars.


  • Define problems, ask the right questions, think beyond the obvious, develop and test several alternatives, and choose the option that maximizes the results
  • Utilize existing research, data, and appropriate research methodology to develop and test alternative solutions, and choose the best course of action
  • Communicate appropriately to individuals and groups of various sizes to teach students, persuade others, mediate disputes, and build convincing cases
  • Structure educational environments in which leadership roles and responsibilities are shared; in which the mission, goals, and work are determined collaboratively; in which evidence overrides opinion, tradition, and bias; in which decisions are made in a timely manner and communicated efficiently; and in which others are motivated to do more than they thought they could.
  • Think beyond common constraints, take calculated risks, and advocate stretched goals in order to bring fresh perspectives to educational issues and problems — opening the way for new and potential promising solutions
  • Articulate a vision for technology utilization in order to model and promote effective uses; to support teaching and learning; to improve management functions; to provide forward-thinking leadership and management to continuously improve organizations; and to facilitate a better understanding of social, ethical, and legal issues and responsibilities related to a digital age culture
  • Recognize and understand the ethical and legal dimension of potential actions, practice and promote social awareness and ethical behavior, and encourage others to do the same
  • Exercise leadership to address the pressing issues of social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion in order to close achievement gaps for underrepresented populations


  • Strategy & Change
  • Organizational Theory, Behavior, and Development
  • Strategic Fiscal Leadership
  • Law, Policy, and Ethics in Elementary Secondary Education
  • Research I and II 


  • Participate in an innovative program that combines synchronous/asynchronous opportunities with a mix of face-to-face and remote learning
  • Establish a true network of working scholars who can examine, critique, support, and complement one another’s educational practice
  • Learn from experienced practitioner faculty using a variety of instructional methods: experiential, collaborative, project-based, and interactive techniques


  • Prepares strong leaders with an integrated social justice context
  • Dedicated advisors to guide you through your dissertation
  • Member of Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate
  • Partnership with Principal Residency Network available for school leadership candidates
  • Learn from experienced practitioners


To satisfy program requirements, each student must successfully:

  • complete 60 credit hours (48 hours of coursework and 12 hours of dissertation work, which forms the basis for the dissertation);
  • maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.25;
  • maintain continuous enrollment, even during dissertation work;
  • successfully complete the comprehensive assessment;
  • submit a dissertation proposal within 18 months of completion of coursework; and
  • complete all program requirements within six academic years from the initial date of matriculation. (Note: For a valid reason, the Educational Leadership program director may extend deadlines.)

To apply for our Educational Leadership doctorate degree, students must hold a master’s degree in an appropriate field from an accredited institution. All program requirements must be completed within six years.

Want to learn more about our Educational Leadership doctorate degree program? Complete the form on this page and we will connect with you soon with more information.

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