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Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) – Culinary Arts Education

(Program offered on-campus in Providence)

If you’re passionate about culinary arts and making a difference in the lives of others through teaching, the Johnson & Wales University Master of Arts in Teaching with a Culinary Arts Education concentration is the program for you.

You and your classmates will matriculate as a cohort, following a set sequence of courses including field-based experiences in public school and JWU culinary classrooms. In your fieldwork, you will explore research-based theories and best practices in a real-world setting with classroom observation, hands-on experiences with individual students and small groups, and eventually planning lessons for whole-class instruction.

Upon completion of your coursework and fieldwork, you will be ready for the most dynamic experience of your journey: student teaching in either a high school or university culinary setting.  


  • Communicate effectively through a variety of formats such as technology, discussion, writing, and reflective listening.
  • Respond to students’ developmental and social contexts and provide access to high-quality teaching and learning.
  • Demonstrate a deep understanding of content in designing learning opportunities.
  • Use research, assessment, and contextual data to inform practice.
  • Work within a professional learning community to support the improvement of teaching, learning, student achievement, and pursue professional growth.
  • Prepare and deliver lesson plans and curricular units using culinary arts instructional strategies.


  • Curriculum Development for Culinary Arts Programs
  • Sustaining a Culinary Arts Program
  • Advanced Methods of Teaching Culinary Arts
  • Using Feedback to Support Learning in Culinary Education


  • Learning under the guidance of experienced practitioner faculty, including accomplished chef-educators at both secondary and post-secondary levels.
  • Program provides a convenient evening class schedule with limited daytime field hours required.
  • Design a dynamic experience aligned with your career goals — complete student teaching in a high school or university culinary setting, with an optional Culinary Capstone project focused on culinary/baking education.


  • Secondary or post-secondary teaching and learning focus
  • RIDE - approved program leading to secondary grades culinary/baking certification
  • Teach alongside accomplished JWU chefs

Want to learn more about our Master of Arts in Teaching degree with a Culinary Arts Education concentration? Complete the form on this page and we will connect with you soon with more information.

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